

May 15, 2020


Overthinking is to think about something too much or too long.
Overthinking is all about thoughts and our thinking regards anything.
When we think about anything too much which may lead to mental illness like depression, anxiety, and due to overthinking it may leads to stress.

You can start overthink a small problem or small thing and make it a huge monster.
If you realize how powerful your thoughts is then you never think it negative.

Signs of Overthinking

  • When you cant stop thinking about any thing.
  • Thinking too much.
  • Taking too much time to think.
  • Thinking negative.
  • You are converting  small problems into huge thoughts.
  • You are always thinking about embarrassing the moments.
  • You problems are self created by your thoughts.
  • Used to think and take your thoughts on another level.

“Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Causes and effect of overthinking

Overthinking is caused when you are having  doubting on yourself , having self-esteem issue, traumatic experiences, 

and this may leads to frustration, anxiety, fear, sleeplessness, depression.

Every one says overthinking is wrong is it true??

No nothing like that, there are two types of thoughts , they are positive or negative,
if we think positive then our thoughts are on the right way but if we think negative it is harmful for us and our surrounding too.

  •  Anger
  •  Complain
  •  Worry
  •  Blaming others

  • Trying to solve problems
  • Understanding the situation
  • Planning
  • Visualization
Positive thoughts makes your life better , and negative thoughts will make your life worst to worst.

Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.”
Brian Tracy

How to overcome from this...

 1)Acceptance :- Firstly  you have to accept that you are overthinking.
When we eat more then we say yes we over think and we do some thing about it,
so why not this for our overthinking mind.
'when you overthink you need to stop it'.

2) Note the thoughts, any kind of thoughts running variably in your mind, just note them down.

3) Meditation - Meditation is must, start one minute meditation, focus on breath in and breath out regularly increased by one minute, it works only if you do it every day.
 4) Realize why you overthink - Realize that you are overthinking and overcome from this as soon as possible. Just keep yourself busy in anything. Like-
   - reading books
    - watching videos
     - start writing
      - start walking and observe things
        -do whatever you want -- yoga, dance, painting etc.

5) Learn something new and concentrate on new things.

If overthinking is about negative thoughts then convert it into positive one, the enthusiasm.

If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you’ll die a lot of times.”
Dean Smith

There is great remedy in homeopathy for overthinking-

For males - Nux Vomica

For females -Ignatia

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  1. Nicely Written 💯
    “Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.”
    – Buddha


  2. Thank You So Much for sharing this wonderful post.


  3. Thank You for Sharing this Wonderful Post..


  4. The best way to overcome from Overthinking is take your hobby as your passion.
    What do you say? 🤔

  5. I started writing poems which was my old hobby & overcome my overthinking habbit of stress.

  6. Go ahead with your awesome posts.

  7. Nicely written
    Thank you for sharing such wonderful post.Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.
    By Nikhil Singh


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